When you invert an imagine you notice some new imperfections.

Artists will flip their drawings to see of there’s something wrong with it.

Here’s an explanation:

Your Drawings are skewed or slanted because of a scientific phenomenon called the mere-exposure effect. While drawing, the longer you see your drawing, the better it will seem to you. This prevents you from recognizing your own mistakes and you won’t notice when your drawing is slanted.

So, it has to do with how your eyes and your brain get used to things.

The same thing holds true if you look at yourself in a mirror:

Every day you see your own reflection when you get ready for the day. It’s what YOU look like to yourself.

When most people look at a photograph of themselves they feel that it looks bad.

The thing is that they probably look perfectly fine to everyone else because everyone else knows them exactly the way they look like in the photograph.

Actually, it’s the image in the mirror that you are used to that doesn’t look like reality.

It’s the same thing when listening to a recording of your own voice:

Most people think their voice sucks and sounds just weird while it’s actually totally okay for everyone else because they know the voice just that way.

When you listen to your own voice while talking though, it’s totally skewed by the acoustics of your skull.

Your brain gets used to the way your mirror image looks and the way your voice sounds to yourself. It’s what’s normal for you.”

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